Friday, December 11, 2009

Viatical Life Settlement Associations

A Viatical settlement is the process through the sale of a terminally ill person whose life expectancy of no more than two years of his life to another person.

The investor buys the policy costs only one percent of the nominal value, and then, after the death of the contractor, who can reap the benefits. This process is really a bet that seems painful for many could. Which is not as if the transaction is carried out inright way. In order to ensure that transactions are fair and that patients do not fall victim to the pressure tactics of unscrupulous elements, a series of associations Viatical life settlement emerged.

These associations are formed mainly non-profit organizations, in order to maintain the integrity and reputation of the insurance sector. They also promote the development of the Viatical. Many of them are known to maintain ethical standardsStandards and compliance with all rules and regulations, such as federal, state and local laws and all trade regulations and legal requirements.

One of the main objectives of these associations is to provide comprehensive and relevant to consumers and thereby create awareness among them. Educated consumers can obtain better prices for their policies. These associations offer referral services. A consumer can go through their websites in order to hunt with the relevant information.Most of them belong to their phone numbers and a person can call the place to answer these questions.

Viatical organizations also take upon themselves to determine whether the activity is a regulated transaction in accordance with the laws of the State. This is extremely important because the consumer the right to verify the license of a broker or Viatical Society, before it has a transaction. This is to ensure that no innocent person is a crudeTrade.

peachtree life settlements

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